Drain Rangers curriculum develops an understanding of the serious issues facing our community from stormwater runoff and to share specific actions we can take to improve the quality of our water.


Drain Rangers Elementary Stormwater Curriculum (Grades 3-5)
In this unit, students will be introduced to a problem-solving model where they think like an engineer and explore ways to solve the problem of stormwater pollution. The lessons in this unit are specifically designed to meet classroom requirements of the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.
Content about polluted stormwater runoff, engineering design, and literacy skills are integrated throughout the unit so that students can practice and apply the new standards with relevant content. Polluted stormwater runoff is one of many environmental problems our students will face.
By equipping our students at a young age with the problem solving tools of the engineer and the verbal and written skills of an effective communicator, we are preparing these students to solve the difficult and challenging environmental issues that affect our present and our future.
Presentations by Drain Rangers Educators:​
Lesson 3: Watershed Model
Additional Lesson: Enviroscape Model
Additional Lesson: Incredible Journey
To schedule a presentation with us, please email education.franklincd.org.

Lesson 1: ELA Performance Task - Stormwater Pollution​
Lesson 2: Videos and Presenters
Lesson 3: Watershed Model
Video: Teacher Resource: How to Teach the Watershed Model (Liz Scully)
Video 4: What is a Watershed / Video 4 with English subtitles
Additional Lesson: Enviroscape Model Presentation - Contact us to schedule.
Additional Resource:
Lesson 5: Four Raindrops
Lesson 6: Engineering Design and Define the Problem​
​Video 6: Engineering Everywhere Special Report Runoff / Video 6 with English subtitles
Video 7: Engineering Solutions Stormwater Runoff / Video 7 with English subtitles
Lesson 7: Research the Problem
Lesson 8: Understand Stakeholders
Lesson 9: Explore and Compare Possible Solutions
Lesson 10A: Develop, Implement, and Test the Plan: Pollution ​
Lesson 10B: Develop, Implement, and Test the Plan: Schoolyard Solutions​
Video 8: Drained - Urban Stormwater Pollution / Please email education.franklincd.org to request Video 8 with English subtitles
Utilizing Rainwater and Gravity: A Guide to Rain Gardens
Lesson 11: Evaluate the Solutions and Communicate
Graphing Skills Websites
Additional Resources